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Abinante Ln., 1938
Adair Wy., 5001
Albany Dr 4370,4380,4390,4400,441,4420,4430 (All Apts)
Alderbrook Ln., 1307
Alderbrook Ln., 10780
Aguacate Ct., 131 thru 153
Alan Ave., 4942

Albany Dr.,4400
Albion Dr., 638
Almaden Blvd., 1 (all numbers)
Almaden Blvd., 55 (all numbers)
Almaden Blvd., 99 (all numbers)
Almaden Blvd., 282 (lot)
Almaden Rd., 1776 (all numbers)
Almaden Rd., 1930, (all numbers)
Alta Glen Ct., 1527 & 1530
Altamont Ave. 1526
Alum Rock Ave., 1504 thru 1530
Alvernaz Dr, 1182
Alvin Ave., 2620
Anchorage Landing, 1867
Ann Wy., 1847
Antonio Ln., 1361
Apple Blossom Ln., 16480
Aragon Wy., 2614
Arbor Vista Wy., 1143
Arbor Vista Wy., 1154
Ariel Dr., 423
Arnold Av., 1418
Arpeggio Av., 4188
Arroyo Wy., 166
Arroyo Seco Dr., 1345
Arroyo Seco Dr., 1442
Ashmeade Ct., 1833
Auburn, 430
Aulin Dr., 29070
Autumnvale Dr., 2691
Auzerais Ave., 160
Auzerais Ave., 300 (lot)
Avalon Dr., 1344
Avenida Arboles 364
Avis Dr., 1228

Bailey, Ave., 555
Barron Park Dr., 4964
Bascom Ave., So., 2275 (all apartments)
Bascom Ave., So., 2520-2530
Bass Ct., 4896
Bassett St., 130 (lot)
Baywood Sq., (all numbers)
Bear Claw Wy., 83
Beatrice Ct., 2041
Beaulieu Ct., (all numbers)
Bel Canto Dr., 4952
Bellerose Dr., 225
Benden Av., 828
Bering Dr., 2305
Beringer Ct., (all numbers)
Bernal Rd., 175
Bernice Wy., 1969
Bette Ave., 866
Bird Av., 1063
Bird Av., 1548
Blewett Av., 1345
Bloomfield Dr., 4225
Blossom Hill Rd., 865
Blossom Tree Ln., 5494
Bluewood Cl., (all numbers)
Bollinger Rd., 7476
Booksin Av., 2395
Booksin Dr., 2150
Borden Rae Ct., 793
Bowling Green Dr., 1645 & 1675
Boxwood Dr., 2364
Boynton Ave., 548
Brace Ave., 1179
Braddock Ct., 1661
Branham Ln., 171-185 & 1797
Brennan Ave., 590
Brenton Av., 1296
Brentwood Dr., 653
Brentwood Dr., 805
Brooklyn Av., 205
Bromley Cross, 308
Bryan Av., 1248
Burchell Av. 5898
Burnbank Pl., 6075
Burning Tree Dr., 205, 207 & 209
Burnside Dr., 6858

Cabral Ave, 5926
Cahalan Av., 5850
Calboro Dr., 1120
Calico Av., 3367
Calle De Prospero, 6062
Calle Del Conejo, 6125
Calvares Av., 1510
Camacho Wy., 1877
Carlotta Ct., 736
Carlton Av., 2339
Carmel Dr., 1574
Cambridge Dr., 2824
Camellia Wy., 975
Camino Ramon., 1077
Campbell Ave., E., 5120, (office bldg)
Capitol Ave., N., 247 & 259
Capitol Ave., N., 1895
Carlton Av., 2339
Casa Grande Wy., 4001
Castlewood Dr., 4669
Catalina Dr., 4566
Catalina Dr., 4642
Catalina Dr., 4643
Cedarcrest Dr., (all numbers)
Cedargale Ln., 601
Chandon Ct., (all numbers)
Charcot Ave , 521 #123
Charmes Ct., 3271
Chavez Wy., 1464
Chiala Ln. 6961
Cherry Ave., 1063
Cherry Ave., 2781
Cherry Ave., 4950, (all numbers)
Cherry Ave., 4951, (all numbers)
Cherry Brook Lane (all numbers)
Cherry Crest Lane (all numbers)
Cherry Gate Lane (all numbers)
Cherry Ridge Court (all numbers)
Cherry Ridge Lane (all numbers)
Cherry Valley Dr., 1483
Cherryton Lane (all numbers)
Cheryl Wy., 2109
Chesbro Av., 5842
Chiles Dr., 4909
Chynoweth Av., 275
Chynoweth Av., 308
Chynoweth Park Court (all numbers)
Cirone Wy., 2042
Coakael Dr., 464
Coe Av., 483
College Dr., 820
Colonial Wy., 3052
Colonial Wy., 3054
Constitution Dr., 2194
Corbin Av., 4942
Corrales Dr., 4821
Cottle Rd., 5600
Cottle Rd., 5755
Countrywood Ct., 3608
Coyote Creek Pl., 420
Cree Dr., 683
Creek Dr., 812
Creekside Dr., 2755 thru 2785
Creekside Dr., 3154 thru 3178
Creekside Dr., 3184 thru 3192
Crespi Dr., 1485
Crest View Dr., 590
Crimson Dr., 6042
Cropley Ave., 3170 thru 3198
Cropley Ave., 3224 thru 3236
Cropley Ave., 3250 thru 3258
Cropley Ave., 3260 thru 3268
Cropley Ave., 3272 thru 3274
Cropley Ave., 3288 thru 3298
Cropley Ave., 3304 thru 3312
Culvert Dr., 6230
Curie Dr., 304
Curie Dr., 547
Curtner Av., 1065
Curtner Av., 177


Dartmouth Dr., 5575
Dean Av., 1155
DeLoach Ct., (all numbers)
Delmas av, 856
Delsea Pl., 6018
DeRose Wy., I-140, 1505
Desertwood Ln., 3286
Destry Ct., 127
Deodora Grove Ct., 5379 thru 5395
Deodora Grove Ct., 5392 thru 5398
Devcon Dr., 214
Discovery Av., 5291
Discovery Av., 5157
Donohue Dr., 1257
Doralee Wy., 1173
Dowrance Dr., 1712
Dryden Dr., All Numbers (Apts.)
Dubanski Dr., 783
Dunwell Ct., 122

Echo Valley Dr., 1316
Echo Valley Dr., 1381
Eden View Dr., 4994
Eden Av., 781
El Grande Dr., 3612
El Oso Dr., 1507
El Paseo de Saratoga, 110
El Paseo de Saratoga, 150
El Paseo de Saratoga, 180
El Paseo de Saratoga, 200
El Paseo de Saratoga, 238
El Paseo de Saratoga, 300
El Paseo de Saratoga, 400
El Paseo de Saratoga, 500
El Paseo de Saratoga, 600
El Paseo de Saratoga, 650
El Paseo de Saratoga, 700
El Paseo de Saratoga, 810
El Paseo de Saratoga, 820
El Paseo de Saratoga, 830
El Paseo de Saratoga, 840
El Paseo de Saratoga, 850
El Paseo de Saratoga, 860
El Paseo de Saratoga, 870
El Paseo de Saratoga, 910
El Paseo de Saratoga, 950
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1000
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1010
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1020
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1021
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1025
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1030
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1200
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1310
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1312
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1316
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1320
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1330
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1340
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1350
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1360
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1370
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1380
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1390
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1410
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1420
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1430
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1440
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1500
El Paseo de Saratoga, 1550
El Rancho Verde Dr., 211 thru 215
El Rancho Verde Dr., 229 thru 239
El Rancho Verde Dr., 230 thru 238
El Rancho Verde Dr., 250 thru 256
Elan Village Ln, #335
Elester Dr., 5062
Elden Dr., 1960
Ellen Av., 2092
English Dr., 1600
Escazu Ct., 110 thru 122
Escazu Ct., 111 thru 117
Esplanada Ln., 486
Essex Wy., 1440 #4
Evora Dr., 2666

Fairorchard Av., 1621
Fairorchard 1624
Fairorchard Av., 1653
Fairdell Dr., 2573
Fairglen Dr., 2378
Fairoaks Ct., 2440
Fallwood Ln., 2984
Farm Hill Wy., 6331
Feller Ave., 804
Fernside Sq., (all numbers)
Fig Grove Ct., 5380 thru 5388
Fig Grove Ct., 5381 thru 5397
Finchwood Wy., 760
Firefly Dr., 6290
Firefly Dr., 6371
Fivewood Ct., 6576
Fleetwood Dr., 1028
Fritzen St., 1231
Foothill Glen Ct., 6072
Forestbrook Way, 4097
Forest Glen Dr., 5057
Forest View Dr., 5001
Forrest Ave., 2100
Forsum Rd., 7404
Fortune Dr., 1849
Fortune Dr., 2185
Foxboro Pl., 3239
Foxhall Loop, 2025
Foxworthy Av., 1452
Fuchfia Dr., 1561
Fuller Av., 430
Fuchsia Dr., 1576

Gaylor Ln., 3312
Gattucio Dr., 4995
Genevieve Ln, S, 797, 897, 1015
Gerald Wy., 2549 & 2575
Gerine Blossom Dr; 5370
Gleason Av., 3555
Gleason Av., 3560
Gleason Av., 3787
Glen Av., 1249
Glenn Ct., 2710
Glenn Eyrie Av., 1336
Glenn View Dr., 6817
Glennwood Av., 1311
Georgetta Dr., 1958
Goldwood Ct., 2684
Goodwin Av., 778
Grand Park Cl., 382
Graham Ave., 122
Greenbriar Dr., 2632
Greencreek Dr., 1803
Greengate Dr., 2565
Greenlee Dr., 3680
Greenpark Wy., 336
Gunar Dr., 2542
Gundersen Dr., 2347

Haga Dr., 3173
Hallbrook Dr., 1613

Hancock, 6177
Hamilton Ave., 730 #3
Hamilton Ave., 3963 #3
Hampshire Pl., 4317
Happy Valley Av., 1110
Happy Valley Av., 1245
Harbor View Ave; 3015
Harris Ave., 1937
Harry Rd., 650
Hayes Ct., 171 thru 175
Hayford Dr., 1748
Hazelwood Ave., 1002
Hebron Wy, 2543
Hedding St., 2147
Heidi Dr., 2915
Henderson Dr., 348
Henderson Dr., 378
Hensley St., 76
Hoppner Ln., 4202
Hibiscus Ln., 812
Hickerson Ct., 1252
Hicks Av., 1910
Hidden Creek Ct., 6447
Hillbright Cl., 5775
Hillcap Av., 3630
Hillcap Av., 3690
& parking lot
Hillsdale Av., 1570
Hokett Wy., 6263
Hollow Lake Wy., 7052
Holycon Cl, 4686
Hopi Cl., 6216
Hospital Py., 250, 275, & 280
Hucksly Ct., 1888
Huddersfield Ct., 1517
Hugo Ln., 1467
Humboldt St., W., 36
Huxley Ct., 1881

Idaho St., 1364
Illsley Ct., 4484
Indian River Dr., 4894
International Cl., 255, 260, & 270
Irazu Ct., 238 thru 246
Ironside Ct., (all numbers)
Ivory Creek, 973
Jacksol Dr., 4489
Jacob Av, 1571
Janelle Dr., 3275
Jennifer Wy., 3086
Johnson Av., 1210
Jonesport Ct., 1141
Jose Figueras Ave., 113 thru 131
Jose Figueras Ave., 135 thru 145
Joseph Ln., 5287
Juarcey Ct., 1521
Junction Ave., 2833 & 2841
Juneberry Ct., 115

Keesling Av., 1531
Keenan Wy., (all numbers)
Kelez Ct., 6283
Kesey Ln., 2761
Kevin Dr., 1680
Kimberly Dr, 1447
Kimball Dr, 2641 & 2645
Kindra Hill Dr., 7083
King Rd., So., 2625
Kingdale Dr., 4868
Kirby Wy., 1993
Kirk Rd., 3479
Kirk Rd., 4440
Kirkside Ct., 1172
Kirkmont Dr., 1808
Knights Estates, 5255
Kooser Rd., 1512
Kring Dr., 2719
Kunkel Dr. 5274
Kylemore Ct., 362

Lean Ave., 6110
Lakebird Ct., (all numbers)
Lakebird Dr., (all numbers)
Lakebird Pl., (all numbers)
Lambeth Ct., (all numbers)
Lanai Av., 2040
Lantz Av., 2925
Leigh Av., 3862
Leland Av., 484
Lemoyne Wy., 4044
Lennon Wy., 1116
Lenwood Wy., 6960
Lenzer, 855 Av
Le Sevre Dr, 5585
Lewiston Dr., 799
Lewiston Dr., 800
Lewiston Dr., 818
Lexford Av., 2913
Liberia Ct., (all numbers
Lillian Wy., 6378
Lincoln Ct., 1041
Lincoln Village Dr., 1040
Litchi Grove Ct., 191 thru 199
Litchi Grove Ct., 202 thru 212
Loch Ness Wy., 1808
Loma Verde Dr., 3150 thru 3230
Lone Hill Rd., 15384
Lorenzen Dr, 1720
Los Gatos-Allmaden Rd, 1913
Loupe Ave., 1079
Lynn Oaks Dr., 3303
Lynfeld Ln., 4485
Lyons Dr., 2216

Mc Abee Rd., 6075
Mc Abee Rd., 6542
Madison Dr., 346
Mandarin Wy., 1928
Manila Dr., 341
Marconi Wy., 1636
Marks Av., 3648
Marlowe Dr., 4319
Marsha Wy., 2591
Martha St.,516 Bldg E
Marquette Dr., 5581
Marlyn Wy., 1758
May Ellen Av., 409
Mayo Dr, 6367
McBain Av., 1729
McKee Rd., 5486
Meadow Creek Dr., 679
Mercer Av., 1415
Midfield Av., 1402
Midvale Ln., 791
Minna Wy., 1960
Minna Wy., 1964
Minnesota, 855
Modoc Ct., 582
Monet Cl., 4196
Monica Ln., 1132
Monta Vista Dr. 3263
Montmorency Dr., 1296
Montellano Dr.,1567
Monte Vino Dr., 5807
Monte Vino Dr., 5850
Moorpark Ave., 4398 (all Apts.)
Moorpark Ave., 4000 thru 4100
Moorpark Ave., 2938,-40,-42,-44,-46,-48
Moraga Av., 5921
Morden Dr, 95130
Morse St., 1110
Morse St., 936
Morse St., 970
Morse St., 1041, 1051
Morse St., 1110,
Mt. Blanc Wy., 1603
Mt. Carmel Dr., 961
Mt. Hope Dr., 6604
Mt. Logan Dr., 3298
Muir Dr., 5473
Mulberry Ln., 1661

Nan carrow Wy., 1259
Navaro Pl., 111
Nelson Way, 14708
Nevada Av., 818 #500
New Jersey Av., 14479
Nightfall Ct., 1034
Nightingale Dr., 2597
Noreen Dr., 1635
Normington Wy., 1088
Northlake Dr, 380 #1-60
Northland Dr., 4860
Northrup St., 934
North Market St. (parking garages)
Norton Av., 24
Norton Av., 26
Nova Scotia Av., 3570
Oak Nole Dr., 1378
Oakland Rd., 1212 #108
Oakland Rd., 1580-1630
Oakland Rd., 1590
Oakland Rd., 1620
Oakland Rd., 2151 (all numbers)
O'Connor Ave., 100
Ojo de Agua Ct., 2052 thru 2066
Old Oak, 1149
Olympus Dr., 1378
Orchard Py, 2610
Orchard Py., 2720
Orchard Py., 2730
Orchid Wy., 935
Orchid Wy., 968
Ori Av., 2747
Oslo Ln, 1338
O'Toole Ave., 1855
O'Toole Ave., 1887
O'Toole Ave., 1933
O'Toole Ave., 1977
Overland Wy., 662

Padres Dr., 1522
Paiute Ln., 525
Pala Av., 106
Pala Mesa Dr., 5850
Palacio Royale, 240 thru 258
Palm Grove Ct., 5373 thru 5381
Palm Grove Ct., 5374 thru 5398
Palm Grove Ct., 5393 thru 5395
Park Av., 1616 (18 units)
Park Av, 1930, 1934, 1944
Park Arcadia Dr., 4687
Park Center Plaza, 101 (all numbers)
Park Sharon Dr., 144
Parkhaven Dr., 3201 thru 3205
Parkhaven Dr., 3211 thru 3231
Parkrow Ln., (all numbers)
Parkview Av., 1551
Partridge Dr., 4263
Parquet Ct., 2493
Payne Ave., 3200
Peachtree Ln., 2447
Pecan Grove Ct., 192 thru 198
Pecan Grove Ct., 201 thru 211
Pellier Dr., 1279
Persimmon Grove Ct., 5351 thru 5371
Persimmon Pl., 4698
Pescara Ct., 2685
Phantom Av., 1434
Phelps Av.,
1335,1337,1357,1359,1367,1369,1373 & 1375
Pine Ave., 1194
Pine St., 1011
Pine Hill Ct., 4856
Pinehurst Sq., 1390
Pinewood Dr., 799
Pinot Noir Ct, 8031
Piper Dr., 4447
Pistachio Grove Ct., 5384 thru 5394
Pittsfield Wy., 7328
Plaza Dr, 919
Plummber Av., 2265
Plumeria, Dr., 30 & 60
Point Hope Landing, 1140
Poas Cr., (all numbers)
Ponce Ct., 5818
Poppy Blossom Ct, 5393
Porgy Ct., 1321
Puerto Golfito Ct., 131 thru 143
Puerto Golfito Ct., 134 thru 152
Puerto Limon Ct., 2025 thru 2031
Puerto Limon Ct., 2028 thru 2048
Puerto Limon Ct., 2037 thru 2043

Qubec Wy., 1900-1902
Queens Bridge Ct., 1089
Quiet Cl., (all numbers)
Quimby Rd., 3300
Quingo Wy., 3289
Quesada Dr., 3298
Rainbow Dr., 7101 #2
Ramble Wood Dr., 6484
Recife Wy., 5829
Red Creek Dr., 4948
Redbird Dr., 888
Reden Dr., 4323
Rhonda Dr., 5117 & 5180
Ribisi Wy., 1825
Richmond Av., 800
Ridgegate Dr., 3035
River Ash Ct., 93
River Park Dr., 848
Riverdale Dr., 951
Riverside Dr., 951
Ronco Dr., 2917
Rosario Dr., 2877
Ross Park Dr., 4015
Rosswood Dr., 2173
Roudy Dr., 5705
Royale Park Dr., 467
Roycott Wy., 1204
Roycott Wy., 1218
Rubion Dr., 3424
Rue Loiret, 4843
Rymar Ln., 2588
Salt Lake Dr., 822
Saluda, 1360
Samar Dr., 6422
San Fernando St., W., 325
San Fernando St., W., 1092
San Fernando St., W., 1094
San Ignacio Ave., 6331 & 6341
San Pedro, N., 487
San Pedro St. (parking garages)
San Rivas Dr., 3250
Saratoga Ave., S., 400
Saratoga Ave., 650 & 690
Scenic Sq., (all numbers)
Sessions Dr., 6914
Shadow Graph Dr., 516
Shadow Run Dr., 380
Shasta Ave., 1458
Shasta Ave., 1770
Sherman St., 1145
Serreno Av., 324
Shearton Dr., 687
Shibley Av., 2280
Shofner Pl., 3171
Sigrid Wy., 5372 thru 5374
Sigrid Wy., 5386 thru 5398
Skowhegan Ct., 146
Solano Dr. 6327
Solano Dr., 6341
Southfield Ct., 15
Spencer Ave, 979
Spencer Ave., 1171
Spring Haven Ct., 93
Spring Haven Ct., 98
Sprucegate Ct.; 3232
Stephen Wy., 1401
Stevens Creek Blvd., 4300 thru 4400
Story Rd., 1775
Suisse Dr., 481
Sunny Ct., 1227
Sunny Ct., 1283
Sunny Ct., 1305
Sunny Ct., 1319
Sunny Ct., 1337 Apt. 29
Sumba Ct., 297
Sweetbirar Dr., 1745
Sycamore Glen, 1957

Tamalpais Av., 6352
Tampico Wy., 4716
Tasl Grove Ct., 188 thru 210
Terefi Ct., 817
Teresi Ct., 811 #1
Terrabella, 966
Terrier Ct., 6082
The Alameda, 1625
The Alameda, 1735
The Woods Dr., (all numbers)
Thelma Wy., 914
Thistle Dr. 4453
Trenton Dr., 1936
Tonino Dr., 4750
Topeka Av., 248
Thousand Oaks Dr., 4462
Toyon Ave., 550
Toyon Ave., 552
Toyon Ave., 554
Trackee Ln., 184
Trimble, W., 55
Tures Rd., 2980
Tuers Rd., 3908
Tylemore Ct., 362

University Av., 1641
University Av., 1660
University Av., 1677
University Av., 1680
University Av., 1691
Valley Quail Cl., 1163
Ventura Ave., 4682
Ventura Ave., 4688
Ventura Ave., 4788
Via Colina., 7224
Via Corona., 7183
Via Ramada, 7074
Vinedale Sq., (all numbers)
Virginia Pl., 1642
Vista Glen Dr., 1712
Vista Park Dr, 4109
Vista Verde Dr., 2240

Walbrook Dr, W, 5603
Wawona Dr., 1554
Weathersfield Wy., 1258
Weibel Way, (all numbers)
Welch Ave., 1846 #1
Wellington Square, 3945
Wente Pl., (all numbers)
Wente Wy., (all numbers)
Westgate Ave., 2439
Westlake Dr., 540
Westwood Dr., 1080
Whintton Av., 1266
Wickham Ct., 1735
Willester Av., 2152
Williams Rd., 3325
Williams Rd., 4875
Willow St., 1202
Willow Glen Wy., 872
Willow Glen Wy., 1129
Willowhaven Ct., 1567
Willowhaven Dr., 1192
Willowhaven Dr., 1210
Willowhaven Dr., 1218
Willowhaven Dr., 1292
Willowmont Ave., 1647

Wine Cask Wy., 3446
Winona Dr., 1321
Woody Ln., 3294
Woodard Rd., 15350
Woz Way., 180 (lot)

Yerba Cliff Ct.; 2670
Yuba Ave., 3306
Zanker Rd., 1841
Zanker Rd., 2701
Zanker Rd., 2860
Zanker Rd., 2870
Zanker Rd. 2880
Zanker Rd., 2890
North South
N. 1st St., 54
N. 1st St., 306 (lot)
N. 1st St., 667
N. 1st St., 675 (parking lot behind)
N. 1st St., 692
N. 1st St., 2150 #200 (First Franklin Plaza)
N. 1st St., 2314 & 2700
N. 1st St., 2540-2590
N. 1st St., 2731
N. 3rd St., 95 (parking garage)
N. 3rd St., 485
N. 3rd St., 1120
N. 4th St., 1164
N. 8th St., 158
N. 9th St., 197
N. 26th St., 125
N. 26th St., 444
N. Keeble Av., 33, 43, 53 ,63 & 73

S. 2nd St., 20-38 (lot)
S. 2nd St., 150 (parking lot)
S. 2nd St., 280 (parking garage)
S. 3rd St., 383
S. 3rd St., 394
S. 6th St., 390 #1-4
S. 10th St., 2020
S. 11th St., 952 Bldg B & C
S. 12th St., 951 Bldg A & B
S. 15th St., 245
S. 16th St., 386
S. 16th St., 635
S. 17th St, 314 Room 1
S. 18th St., 243
S. 21st St., 45
S. 24th St., 101
S. Almaden Av., 571
S. Baywood Av., 851
S. Breeze Ct 5965
S. Cragmont Av., 28
S. Jenevieve Ln., 797
S. Henry Av., 334
S. Monroe St., 684
S. Monroe St., 714
S. Monroe St., 963
S. Monroe St., 1008
S. White Rd., 1419
S. Winchester Blvd., 560

S. Winchester Blvd. 1101 (All Suites)
S. Winchester Blvd., 1324

E. Del Weiss Dr., 452
E. Empire St., 171
E. Latimer Av., 49 Apt. 9
E. San Fernando St., 8 (lot)
E. St. James St., 39
E. Taylor St., 1035
E. Taylor St., 20
E. Mission St., 350 #216
E. William St., 620

W. San Carlos St., 150 (Convention Center)
W. San Carlos St., 1266



Apartment Complexes/Businesses/Other
City Parking Lots and Garages
Almaden Fashion Plaza Almaden and Balbach Lot, 500 Almaden Boulevard
Berryessa Flea Market Almaden and Woz Lot, 282 Almaden Boulevard
Cambrian Shopping Center 1442 Union Avenue (Camden/Union) City Hall Garage, 200 East Santa Clara Street
Century 22 Parking Lot Convention Center Garage, 150 West San Carlos Street
Cherry Plaza Homeowners Assoc., 4325 Capay Drive First and 280 Lot, 691-693 South First Street
Cherrywood Apartments, 4951 Cherry Avenue, (all numbers) Fourth and San Fernando Garage, 44 South Fourth Street
City of San Jose Employee Parking Lot (Mission, San Pedro Streets) Market and San Carlos Lot, 298 South Market Street
Corners Apartment, 353 Kiely Blvd. Market and San Pedro Garage, 45 North Market Street
Eastridge Shopping Center, 2984 Fallwood Lane San Pedro and Bassett Lot, 150 Bassett Street
El Paseo de Saratoga Shopping Center Second and San Carlos Garage, 280 South Second Street
El Rancho Verde Apartments, 303 Checkers Second and San Fernando Lot, 30 East San Fernando Street
Evangel Christian Fellowship, 1255 Pedro Street Second and St. James Lot, 257 North Second Street
Evergreen Valley College, 3095 Yerba Buena Road Third Street Garage, 95 North Third Street
First American Bldg., 675 N 1st Street Woz and 87 Lot, 108 Woz Way
Forty Nine Fifty Cherry Avenue Apartments, 4950 Cherry Avenue, (all numbers)  
Franciscan Fountain Apartments, 470, 472, 478, 479, 481, 483, 489, & 490
Saratoga Avenue on Northlake Drive
Garden City Plaza, The, 360 S. Saratoga Avenue  
General Electric Parking Lots, Monterey Hwy. & Curtner  
Greentree, 995 Tully Road  
Leland High School, 6677 Camden Avenue  
Light Rail Stations  
Medallion Mortgage Co., 650 Saratoga Av (Parking Lot)  
Meridian Park Plaza, 4602-4644 Meridian Avenue  
Moorpark Village, 2938, 2940, 2942, 2944, 2946, 2948, 2950, 2952,
2954, 2956, 2958, 2960, 2962 & 2964 Moorpark Ave.
Oakridge Mall Shopping Center  
Oakwood Apartments, 700 So. Saratoga Avenue  
Park Center Plaza Garage III, 325 W. San Fernando Street  
Paulson Office Park, 4000, 4010, 4020, 4030, 4040 & 4100 Moorpark Avenue  
Princeton Plaza Mall, 1375 Blossom Hill Road  
Public Transportation Stations  
Redwoods, The, 610 Teatree Court  
San Jose City College, 2100 Moorpark Avenue  
San Jose Community College District, 4750 San Felipe Road  
San Jose Criminal Justice Training Center, 2075 Camden Avenue  
San Jose International Airport, (all parking lots)  
San Jose Parking Lots  
San Jose Unified School District  
Snell & Branham Plaza Shopping Center  
South Bay Center  
The Woods, The Woods Drive, (all numbers)  
Valley Fair Shopping Center  
Westgate Shopping Center  
Winchester Mystery House  




Last Modified Date: 9/25/2012


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